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A room in a room in a room...

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In our fight to understand what surrounds our bodies

we may lose that we are floating

in a vast empty space

A room in a room

where all limits are filled with void

and they only exist in our memories

and we need them to feel that we are safe

but the outside is us, as the inside

and the only real danger is not to feel

Doval, 2023

The word "oda" has meaning in both Turkish and Spanish. In Turkish word translates to "room." The earlier form was "otag/odag," which means "nomad tent." Interestingly, the source of the word "otag" goes back even further to the word "ota," which means "to start a fire" or "the place smokes." The way fire fills a room can drastically alter the mood and ambiance of a space, influencing everything from the color of the walls to the way they are arranged.

"Oda" is also a Spanish word that directly translates to "ode," a type of poem that is highly structured and used to praise or glorify an event or individual while also describing nature intellectually and emotionally. As the ode, a room is also a structured space defined by its use or limits. An ode exalts one event as the room exalts one use. The words point to concepts as we do with the architectural elements pointing to spatial concepts. Architecture and poetry both worlds share rhymes and rhythms. Both exist in a static form but require time to be explored and felt.

ODA incorporates duality in its design, playing with concepts like in/out, transparent/opaque, front/back, left/right, top/bottom, perspective/oblique, light/shadow, and visible/invisible. The form of the piece begins with a simple room in eternal space, which is then deconstructed with an amount of chaos. The piece's rendering highlights its duality by showcasing what should not be seen and hiding what should be shown.

ODA is a collaboration work made together with Victor Doval.

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